Chapter Seven: Method of Purification

O Raghava, be outwardly active but inwardly inactive, outwardly a doer but inwardly a non-doer, and thus play your part in the world.

O Raghava, abandon all desires inwardly, be free from attachments and latent impressions, do everything outwardly and thus play your part in the world.

O Raghava, adopt a comprehensive view, characterised by the abandonment of all objects of contemplation, live in your innate Self, liberated even while alive (jivan-mukta), and thus play your part in the world.

Burn the forest of duality with the fire of the conviction, 'I am the one pure Consciousness' and remain happy.

You are bound firmly on all sides by the idea, I am the body'. Cut that bond by the sword of knowledge 'I am Consciousness' and be happy.

Discarding the attachment to non-Self, regarding the world as a partless (whole), concentrated and with attention turned inward, remain as pure Consciousness.

Remain always as pure Consciousness which is your constant (i.e. true) nature beyond the states of waking, dream and deep sleep.

O mighty-armed, be always free from mental concepts like the heart of a rock though not insentient like it.

Do not be that which is understood, nor the one who understands. Abandon all concepts and remain what you are.

Eliminate one concept by another and the mind by the mind and abide in the Self. Is this so difficult, O holy man?

Sever the mind, which has on account of its cares become red hot, with the mind which is like iron sharpened by the study of scriptures.

O Raghava, what have you to do with this inert and dumb body? Why do you feel helpless and miserable by joys and sorrows on account of it?

What a vast difference between the flesh, blood, etc. (composing the body) and you, the embodiment of consciousness! Even after knowing this why do you not abandon the idea of Self in this body?

The mere knowledge that this body is like a piece of wood or a clod of earth enables one to realize the Supreme Self.

How strange that, while the real Brahman is forgotten by men, the unreal called avidya (nescience) appears very real to them (lit. struts about before them).

It is again strange that while the Supreme Brahman is forgotten by men, the idea 'this is mine' called avidya is firmly held by them (lit. strongly confronts them).

When you do your work do it without attachment even as a crystal which reflects the objects before it (but is not affected by them).

The conviction that everything is Brahman leads one to Liberation. Therefore reject entirely the idea of duality which is ignorance. Reject it entirely.